unifi TV x Now爆谷台订户尊享:带你参与第13届亚洲电影大奖!


【unifi TV x Now爆谷台订户尊享:带你参与第13届亚洲电影大奖!】


第十三届亚洲电影大奖颁奖典礼将于3月17日举行,今年本台将继续送上尊享礼遇:带你亲身现场参与!只要收看Now爆谷台(unifi TV 225频道),使用遥控参与电视游戏,即有机会赢取双人亚洲电影大奖颁奖礼及派对门票、马来西亚至香港来回机票及酒店三天两夜住宿(1份)!机会难得,万勿错过!


颁奖礼日期:2019 年3月17日 (星期日)




1. 是次游戏只供马来西亚观众参与,参加者必须为Now爆谷台及unifi TV订户。

2. 由2月16日至3月2日期间,打开Now爆谷台225频道,使用遥控按「i」按钮,再按Buzz > iContest,依指示回答问题。

3. 本台将挑选1位成功答对所有问题的得奖者*,届时将有专人联络得奖者,通知领奖详情。



Now Baogu Movies “Giveaway Trip to AFA” – Terms & Conditions:

1. Any participant in this Now Baogu Movies “Giveaway Trip to AFA” (collectively referred as the "Giveaway"), is understood as having read and accepted all the terms and conditions which are with constraints; including the processing of personal data. 

2. Organizer of the Giveaway: unifi TV & now Baogu Movies (collectively referred to as “Organizer”).

3. This Giveaway is open to residents of Malaysia who are above the age of 18 years with permanent residence in Malaysia, and are also unifi TV subscribers of “Now Baogu Movies” Channel (collectively referred to as “Participant(s)”).

4. Participants are required to answer the questions from iContest.

5. unifi TV account holder can do multiple entries in the iContest but only one winner will be selected.

6. The iContest game period will run from Feb 16th – Mar 2nd. 2019. The participant with the 128th correct entry will be chosen as the Grand prize winner. All decisions made by the Organizer shall be final and binding. 

7. Winner is entitled to win 2 pax of ceremony admission tickets to “Asian Film Awards 2019” and 2 pax round-trip tickets. 

8. Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Giveaway or modify the terms and conditions without prior notice.

9. In the event of a dispute, any individual’s entitlement to participate in the Giveaway and any Participant’s entitlement to Prizes shall be subject to the sole discretion and final decision of the Organizer.

10. The Prizes shall not be transferable, exchangeable or substituted for cash or any other benefits, unless reasonable causes are given and accepted by unifi TV. Once the Participant is found with the above deed, the Participant will never be qualified to run into any award-winning activities organized by the Organizer.

11. Organizer is not the manufacturer or supplier of the Prizes. The Organizer or/and its affiliates is/are not liable to any responsibility arisen from the incapability and malfunction of the prizes, or any loss caused by such actions. To such extent as the Law would allow, upon receipt of the prizes by the Participant(s), the Organizer and its affiliates are under any circumstance or situation, with or without recognition, not responsible for any personal injury, property loss or damages caused by (i) this Giveaway, (ii) actions in relation to the prizes, (iii) any taxation liability / charges arisen from this Giveaway and /or the Prizes, (iv.) any liability, claim for reimbursement, lawsuit or claim for damages. The Organizer should not be liable to exchange or reimburse for any loss, damage or theft of the prize.

12. Processing Personal Data: Personal information or data submitted by the Subscribers in participating the Giveaway are collected and used by the Organizer; with which to facilitate its participation in the Giveaway, including but not limited to contacting Participant(s) with phone call and Email.

13. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia and parties agree to be bound by the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.